First (proper) release of Freiburg's Nao stack

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Update: Documentation is available on at

I'm happy to announce v0.1, the first proper release of Freiburg's Nao Stack located at:

You can check out the trunk (svn) from:

or download the stack package from:

Changes are:

  • improved torso odometry
  • nao_ctrl now also transmits the state of Nao's onboard IMU
  • new nao_description package makes Nao's complete joint state, transformations and visualization available through robot_state_publisher
  • launch files for convenient start up

Some basic instructions are available at, but I might also move them to if that's the more appropriate place. I would be happy to hear if all is working for you (or not), or how to make things more ROS-compliant.

Best regards, Armin

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This page contains a single entry by kwc published on December 21, 2009 3:17 PM.

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