What's in the Box: Navigation

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Now that the ROS Box Turtle release is out, we'd like to highlight some of its core capabilities, and share some of the features that are in the works for the next release.

First up is the ROS Navigation stack, perhaps the most broadly used ROS library. The Navigation stack is in use throughout the ROS community, running on robots both big and small. Many institutions, including Stanford University, Bosch, Georgia Tech, and the University of Tokyo, have configured this library for their own robots.

The ROS Navigation stack is robust, having completed a marathon -- 26.2 miles -- over several days in an indoor office environment. Whether the robot is dodging scooters or driving around blind corners, the Navigation stack provides robots with the capabilities needed to function in cluttered, real-world environments.

You can watch the video above for more details about what the ROS Navigation stack has to offer, and you can read documentation and download the source code at: ros.org/wiki/navigation.

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