Three Robots: One ROS Node

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post by Trevor Jay of Brown to ros-users

Hi ROS-Users!

Recently thanks to the very nice people at Bosch and their remote lab efforts, we were able play around with an actual PR2. We wanted to share the following video of a single ROS node (svn co nolan) running completely unmodified on three very different robots (including the PR2).

Each of the robots is using ar_recog, our ROS-compatible wrapper around ARToolkit to localize ARTags. A simple PID controller then directs them in following. As the Nao does not recognize Twist msgs, we have a simple ten-liner rebroadcasting them as Walk msgs, but even here the the original control node is running unmodified.

Anyone interested in the vision stack can check it out at the brown ros pkg repository.

Thanks everyone in the community who's helping to bring about this level of portability.

_RLAB (Robot Learning and Autonomy @ Brown)

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