navigation 0.5.0 has just been released. All packages in the navigation stack have now reached "doc review" status, which means that end-user documentation for all appropriate APIs has been documented and peer reviewed. Those wishing to use the navigation stack on their own robots are encouraged to use this release as the APIs are both stable and documented for us.
- base_local_planner: Added "y_vels" parameter to allow holonomic robot users to control the y velocities that their robot will explore
- All packages in the stack have passed documentation reviews
- robot_pose_ekf: Make parent-child tags in internal buffer consistent. Update to new tf::StampedTransform data type.
- costmap_2d: Fixed many deprecation warnings resulting from new release of geometry stack
- base_local_planner: Fixed many deprecation warnings resulting from new release of geometry stack
- move_base: Fixed many deprecation warnings resulting from new release of geometry stack
- base_local_planner: The min_vel_th, max_vel_th, and min_in_place_vel_th parameters have now been removed, update to max_rotational_vel and min_in_place_rotational_vel
- costmap_2d The "inscribed_radius" and "circumscribed_radius" parameters have now been removed, switch to the "robot_radius" parameter or the "footprint" parameter.
- costmap_2d: Fixed clearing the robot footprint of obstacles for circular robots.
- All the tutorials for the navigation stack have moved to the ros_pkg_tutorials stack.
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