Unstable releases: geometry 1.1.2, robot_model 1.1.2, point_cloud_perception 0.1.6

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geometry 1.1.2 and robot_model 1.1.2

This announces geometry 1.1.2 and robot_model 1.1.2 are released into latest. These are unstable releases, with API changes. Unless you are working toward the next release it is recommended to remain on boxturtle.

Note: There are some permutations of updating which creates a linking error for undefined references into bullet. If you get these errors, use rosmake with the --pre-clean option and it will work fine. This has only been observed when following a specific sequence of updates.

point_cloud_perception 0.1.6

PCL (Point Cloud Library) 0.1.6 and the point_cloud_perception stack have been released!

We're slowly adding more functionality, fixing bugs, and writing documentation and tutorials for early adopters. Please check out http://www.ros.org/wiki/pcl for more information and don't forget to keep an eye on the tutorials section. PCL requires the latest branch, which is unstable and only recommended if you want to play with cutting edge features.

We are going to have two talks about PCL at ICRA (check out our schedule for details), so please stop by, and come talk to us afterwards. We're also going to showcase some of the PCL functionality at the Willow Garage booth. Looking forward to see you there!

Thanks to everyone that contributed!

point_cloud_perception change list

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