Brown is pleased to announce the first of a series of summer software
releases, beginning with a new BoxTurtle-compatible release of the
Brown ROS Pkg.
As usual, the full details are available at:
Highlights include:
- the aforementioned BoxTurtle compatibility
- probe has become gscam, and is now compatible with the ROS camera interface, this means any camera or image source available to gstreamer can now be a calibrated part of an image_proc pipeline
- a new node, ar_recog, exposing most of the functionality of ARToolKit through ROS messages
- pr2_keyboard_teleoperator, providing full teleoperation of the PR2 from the keyboard
- position_tracker, a simple odometry correction service
Please check it out and help us make improvements, and be on the look-out for more releases in the coming weeks, including: an ARTag odometry system, an improved NAO v1.6 compatible version of our NAO drivers, and more.
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