C Turtle Alpha 3 has been released. This update includes numerous bug fixes, including a new ROS 1.1.12 release. This release also contains stable releases for robot_model and pr2_robot. If you are running a previous C Turtle release, we encourage you to update and report any issues that you find.
NOTE: The new debian packages have a "version 11" suffix, e.g. ros-cturtle-ros_1.1.12-11. We are currently having issues with Karmic 64-bit binaries, but other Ubuntu binaries should be available.
- ros 1.1.12
- camera_drivers 1.1.4
- common 1.1.8
- geometry 1.1.7
- joystick_drivers 1.1.2
- pr2_common 1.1.2
- pr2_mechanism 1.1.1
- pr2_robot 1.0.1
- pr2_simulator 1.1.1
- robot_model 1.2.0
- roslisp_support 0.2.5
- simulator_gazebo 1.1.8
- executive_python 0.2.0
- pr2_common_actions 0.2.0
- pr2_doors 0.3.3
- pr2_calibration 0.4.3
- pr2_plugs 0.3.1
- topological_navigation 0.1.1
- web_interface 0.4.1
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