Videre stereo camera driver from ua-ros-pkg

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Anton Rebguns of the University of Arizona has announced the release of a Videre Stereo Camera driver. NOTE: this package only works with ROS C Turtle. The announcement is below.

I'd like to announce an initial release of a driver for Videre Stereo cameras. The driver supports both STOC and non-STOC devices. Pretty much all settings can be controlled through the dynamic_reconfigure GUI, these include:

  • TF Frame
  • Processing Mode (for STOC devices)
  • Generic camera parameters (exposure, gain, brightness)
  • Stereo Processing parameters (uniqueness, texture thresholds, speckle size and range)

There are a few parameters that are present but don't currently work, like whitebalance and horopter settings. There are no tutorials yet, if people are using it and have problems just shoot me an email. I will be adding some documentation/tutorials fairly soon.

Thanks, Anton

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This page contains a single entry by kwc published on July 23, 2010 3:33 PM.

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