Get involved in ROS development through Handoff Lists

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We continue to strive to make the ROS development process more open, from REPs to exploring a ROS Foundation. One need identified by the community was making it easier to get involved in the core ROS development. It hasn't been clear what features could be developed by those looking to get into ROS core development. To facilitate that, we've setup a simple mechanism to expose open issues which are not actively being worked of to the community.

These new "Handoff Lists" link to feature enhancements that we think are good places to get started as a ROS hacker. We have only just started on adding tickets to this list and will hopefully add even more over time. If you'd like to contribute, these tickets are a good way to get familiar with parts of the code base and development process.

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This page contains a single entry by kwc published on January 11, 2011 6:09 PM.

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