ROS and PR2 in Education

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We think that ROS and the PR2 are great tools for educators. Both platforms allow students to focus on building the relevant parts of a system while incorporating less topical components from the open source community. Students get started faster and complete more impressive projects. Even more importantly, students can take components built in ROS to their next course, research project or job without worrying about licensing.

We've started a wiki page to list courses using ROS or the PR2, and to discuss teaching-related issues. Here are some course examples that you can use for inspiration:

Short Courses

University (Undergraduate & Graduate) Courses

If you're teaching a course using ROS or the PR2, please post a link at If you have advice on setting up labs, course computers, or any other teaching-related topic, post those too. By sharing material, we'll all create effective courses more quickly.

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This page contains a single entry by kwc published on January 10, 2011 4:56 PM.

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