Thanks for a great ROSCon 2012!

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Thanks everyone for an amazing ROSCon 2012! The inaugural event exceeded our expectations, with over 200 attendees watching excellent, standing-room-only talks on all things ROS. ROS "Godfather", Morgan Quigley, kicked things with a talk that took us from ROS past to future, and the rest of the two-day schedule covered everything from useful core libraries (tf, URDF, Gazebo, openni_kinect, rosjava), to talks on robots using ROS (Robonaut, autonomous lawnmowers, humanoid, field robots), and much, much more. The event also served as an kickoff for the Open Source Robotics Foundation, which will act as a steward for ROS, Gazebo, and future ROSCon events.

Many of you have asked, and, yes, we're working hard now to process the video and post them online.

It took a lot of people to make ROSCon happen, so a special thanks to:

For those that attended, we will be seeking your feedback to make sure that ROSCon 2013 can be even bigger and better.

Here are some of the attendee reactions from Twitter:

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