New Package: ccny_rgbd: Minecraft edition

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From Ivan Dryanovski of CCNY on ros-users@

Hi everyone,

We recently added another tool to our collection: 2schematic. It lets
users conver colored PointCloud (.pcd) or Octomap (.ot) files to
Minecraft schematic files. In conjuntion with ccny_rgbd,or any other
3D mapping application, this enables you to import indoor enviroments
into Minecraft (and destroy them).

Here's a video:

The code is on github:

It supports several different coloring models, and simple color
filter. The output is .schematic files, which you can then view or
edit inside mcedit, and export to Minecraft worlds.

I hope you enjoy our contribution!



PS. I saw yesterday that Jon Stephan independently released a very
similar package. Great work - I look forward to checking it out! The
3D mapping research appears to be converging to its inevitable

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This page contains a single entry by Tully Foote published on March 8, 2013 10:17 AM.

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