Open Source Support Engineer Wanted

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Paul Van der Vorst from Clearpath Robotics, via ros-news@

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Work with a team of esteemed roboticists, play with the latest robotics equipment, contribute to the open source ROS community, and get paid to do it! What more could you ask for!?

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Clearpath Robotics is looking for someone who is passionate about giving back to the growing open-source robotics community, and they are calling on you to help them.

Tasks will range from high-level demo development on frameworks such as MoveIt! to maintaining distributions of LinuxRT and developing low level drivers. You will liaise with other members of the global robotics community to improve the general usability of ROS. A majority of your work if not all of your work will be public and open-source. You will work with other members of the Clearpath Robotics engineering team to identify closed-source development that is suitable for public release. You may be involved in outreach programs both locally and globally. Finally, you'll likely spend warm summer days driving robots around outside (cold winters too; this is Canada after all).

If you'd like to be a part of how ROS is changing everything from education to corporate research, this is where you'll want to be!

To view the job description and apply, follow this link.

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This page contains a single entry by Ugo Cupcic published on December 30, 2013 11:54 PM.

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