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July 2014 Archives
I am pleased to announce that I created a kind of Mavlink generator for ROS.
You can see the pre-release here: https://github.com/posilva/
I hope this could be helpful to the ROS guys to start using mavlink to control robots.
that was created in one of our research projects with CERN.
community that would be willing to test it/use for their projects.
but for people which can provide feedback we can offer a substantial discount.
The early registration deadline is August 15, 2014.

Immediately follow the lightning talks are birds of a feather sessions, which are an opportunity to propose and find people to talk about topics of interest to subgroups at the conference. This will be a mostly unstructured time with topics proposed on site and groups forming organically.
Hi Everyone,
We're pleased to announce the official release of ROS Indigo Igloo! This is the first LTS release of ROS; it will be supported until April 2019 in parallel with Ubuntu Trusty Tahr. It will also be available for Saucy Salamander during its duration of support from Canonical as outlined in the ROS Distributions page.
Thanks to our many active maintainers it can be seen on the Indigo Igloo build status page that 643 packages have already been released for Indigo Igloo. And we expect this number to continuously grow over the lifetime of the distribution.
The main focus of Indigo development has been to clean up the core packages in preparation for the LTS support cycle. Efforts have included integrating the ROS packages with packages officially taken up into the upstream Debian and Ubuntu repositories such as console_bridge, urdfdom, and OpenCV.
With the release of Indigo, development will be transitioned forward to the next ROS release, Jade Turtle. ROS Jade Turtle will be targeted for release in May 2015, following the new 12 month release cycle. Also with the beginning of development for Jade Turtle, Groovy Galapagos will reach its end-of-life. Releases into Groovy have been winding down and in the near future the build infrastructure for Groovy will be taken offline.
To get started with Indigo see the installation page. A summary of updates for packages can be found in the migration guide.
Although Indigo is now officially available, ROS distributions are living entities built on the contributions of the community. Hydro Medusa has almost doubled the number of packages available since it was initially released 9 months ago, and Indigo is tracking a similar trajectory through it's development phases.
We'd also like to take a moment to thank the many contributors to the community who improve documentation on the wiki as well as answering questions and moderating on answers.ros.org. One of the things that distinguishes ROS is the large helpful community. We now have dozens of moderators and thousands of contributors, thank you all for your contributions!
Details of the latest updated packages in Indigo are listed below as well as updated packages for Hydro.
Your ROS Indigo Igloo Release Team
Updates to indigo
Added Packages [43]:
* ros-indigo-ax2550: 0.1.1-0
* ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-control: 2.4.4-0
* ros-indigo-image-exposure-msgs: 0.9.2-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d-exploration: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d-karto: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d-localizer: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d-msgs: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d-navigator: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d-operator: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d-remote: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-nav2d-tutorials: 0.1.3-0
* ros-indigo-ntpd-driver: 1.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-orocos-kinematics-dynamics: 1.3.0-0
* ros-indigo-pointgrey-camera-driver: 0.9.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosh: 1.0.5-0
* ros-indigo-rosh-common: 1.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-rosh-core: 1.0.5-0
* ros-indigo-rosh-desktop: 1.0.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosh-desktop-plugins: 1.0.2-0
* ros-indigo-rosh-geometry: 1.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-rosh-robot: 1.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-rosh-robot-plugins: 1.0.1-0
* ros-indigo-rosh-visualization: 1.0.2-0
* ros-indigo-roshlaunch: 1.0.5-0
* ros-indigo-serial-utils: 0.1.0-0
* ros-indigo-shadow-robot: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-description: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-example: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-gazebo-plugins: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-hand: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-hardware-interface: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-mechanism-controllers: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-mechanism-model: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-moveit-config: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-movements: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-robot-msgs: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-self-test: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-standalone: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-tactile-sensors: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-sr-utilities: 1.3.2-0
* ros-indigo-statistics-msgs: 0.9.2-0
* ros-indigo-wfov-camera-msgs: 0.9.2-0
Updated Packages [94]:
* ros-indigo-arbotix: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.10.0-0
* ros-indigo-arbotix-controllers: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.10.0-0
* ros-indigo-arbotix-firmware: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.10.0-0
* ros-indigo-arbotix-msgs: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.10.0-0
* ros-indigo-arbotix-python: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.10.0-0
* ros-indigo-arbotix-sensors: 0.9.2-0 -> 0.10.0-0
* ros-indigo-compressed-depth-image-transport: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.1-0
* ros-indigo-compressed-image-transport: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.1-0
* ros-indigo-flir-ptu-description: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.4-0
* ros-indigo-flir-ptu-driver: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.4-0
* ros-indigo-flir-ptu-viz: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.4-0
* ros-indigo-gazebo-msgs: 2.4.3-1 -> 2.4.4-0
* ros-indigo-gazebo-plugins: 2.4.3-1 -> 2.4.4-0
* ros-indigo-gazebo-ros: 2.4.3-1 -> 2.4.4-0
* ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-pkgs: 2.4.3-1 -> 2.4.4-0
* ros-indigo-image-transport-plugins: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.1-0
* ros-indigo-mavlink: 1.0.9-5 -> 1.0.9-7
* ros-indigo-mavros: 0.5.0-0 -> 0.6.0-0
* ros-indigo-message-filters: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-mk: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-opencv-candidate: 0.2.1-0 -> 0.2.3-0
* ros-indigo-orocos-kdl: 1.2.2-2 -> 1.3.0-0
* ros-indigo-python-orocos-kdl: 1.2.2-2 -> 1.3.0-0
* ros-indigo-ros: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-ros-comm: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-ros-ethercat: 0.1.7-0 -> 0.1.8-0
* ros-indigo-ros-ethercat-eml: 0.1.7-0 -> 0.1.8-0
* ros-indigo-ros-ethercat-hardware: 0.1.7-0 -> 0.1.8-0
* ros-indigo-ros-ethercat-loop: 0.1.7-0 -> 0.1.8-0
* ros-indigo-ros-ethercat-model: 0.1.7-0 -> 0.1.8-0
* ros-indigo-rosbag: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosbag-storage: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosbash: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-rosboost-cfg: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-rosbuild: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-rosclean: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-rosconsole: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosconsole-bridge: 0.4.1-0 -> 0.4.2-0
* ros-indigo-roscpp: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-roscreate: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-rosgraph: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-roslang: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-roslaunch: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-roslib: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-roslz4: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosmake: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-rosmaster: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosmsg: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosnode: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosout: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosparam: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rospy: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosservice: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rostest: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rostopic: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rosunit: 1.11.2-0 -> 1.11.3-0
* ros-indigo-roswtf: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-action: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-bag: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-bag-plugins: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-common-plugins: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-console: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-dep: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-ez-publisher: 0.0.5-0 -> 0.2.0-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-graph: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-image-view: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-launch: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-logger-level: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-msg: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-plot: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-publisher: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-py-common: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-py-console: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-reconfigure: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-service-caller: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-shell: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-srv: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-top: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-topic: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-rqt-web: 0.3.7-0 -> 0.3.8-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-controllers: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-drivers: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-examples: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-external-protocol: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-hardware-interface: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-launch: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-msgs: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-test: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-transmissions: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-sr-ronex-utilities: 0.9.14-0 -> 0.9.15-0
* ros-indigo-theora-image-transport: 1.9.0-0 -> 1.9.1-0
* ros-indigo-topic-tools: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
* ros-indigo-xmlrpcpp: 1.11.6-0 -> 1.11.7-0
Removed Packages [0]:
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
* Aaron Blasdel
* Ben Charrow
* Dan Lazewatsky
* David Gossow
* Dirk Thomas
* Dorian Scholz
* Isaac Isao Saito
* Isaac Saito
* John Hsu
* Jonathan Bohren
* Julius Kammerl
* Maintained by Dan Lazewatsky
* Manos Nikolaidis
* Michael Ferguson
* Mike Purvis
* MoveIt Setup Assistant
* Orocos Developers
* Ruben Smits
* Scott K Logan
* Sebastian Kasperski
* Shadow Robot's software team
* Takashi Ogura
* Vincent Rabaud
* Vladimir Ermakov
* William Woodall

- Our sponsors: Yujin Robot, ETRI, and GaiTech
- Our host: The University of Hong Kong
- Our organizers: Tully Foote, Brian Gerkey, Wyatt Newman, Daniel Stonier
- Our volunteers: David Coleman, Annie Lam, Team HKU
- Our speakers, who put together awesome talks.
- Our attendees, without whom there would be no event!

ROS, which is designed to ease the learning curve for new ROS users.
It aims to supplement the existing tutorials and documentation for
basic concepts like nodes, topics, messages, resource names, launch
files, parameters, services, and more. There are example programs in
C++. The book does not assume any previous experience with ROS, and
includes warnings about some pitfalls that, in the author's
experience, are often troublesome for beginners. The goal is that,
after reading this book, beginners should have a strong foundation to
understand and explore the ROS ecosystem on their own. The book is
based on the hydro distribution, with an update to indigo planned for
the near future.
To help ensure that the book is broadly useful to the community,
electronic copies are available for free from the author's website
Aaron Sims
- Java based ROS Client integrated with TCPROS & UDPROS protocol implementations. (UDPROS is broken until the next slipstream).
- Automated performance tuning for autonomous robotic systems (will be included in next slipstream).
- Automated Topic/Service Discovery
- Graphical Configuration Tool (Java only)
- Low level datastream reader
- A single consistent API for ROS that does not require compilation or complicated configurations to run.
- RCSM ROS Provider API Documentation

- Tutorial: RMDMIA Client Configuration for ROS Turtlesim
- Tutorial: Howto build a teleoperation controller for ROS Turtlesim with a PS/3 Joystick using the RMDMIA ROCI Provider
- Tutorial: Howto implement a ROS Topic Subscriber Message Handler
- Tutorial: Howto Publish to a ROS Topic
- Tutorial: Howto to call a ROS Service
- Tutorial: Howto to call a persistent ROS Service
- Tutorial: Howto implement a ROCI (Robot Operater Control Interface) Provider
Find this blog and more at planet.ros.org.