New Book: A Gentle Introduction to ROS

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From Jason O'Kane of University of South Carolina
I am happy to announce a short book called A Gentle Introduction to

ROS, which is designed to ease the learning curve for new ROS users.
It aims to supplement the existing tutorials and documentation for
basic concepts like nodes, topics, messages, resource names, launch
files, parameters, services, and more.  There are example programs in
C++.  The book does not assume any previous experience with ROS, and
includes warnings about some pitfalls that, in the author's
experience, are often troublesome for beginners.  The goal is that,
after reading this book, beginners should have a strong foundation to
understand and explore the ROS ecosystem on their own.  The book is
based on the hydro distribution, with an update to indigo planned for
the near future.

To help ensure that the book is broadly useful to the community,
electronic copies are available for free from the author's website

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This page contains a single entry by Tully Foote published on July 10, 2014 9:36 AM.

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