Robox and IT+Robotics present a fully ROS-compliant motion controller

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Robox and IT+Robotics are excited to announce the first fully ROS-compliant Robox motion controller, the uRmc2, and the cROS library.

The uRmc2 is one of the Robox's push product, and it has been designed to best exploiting the distributed electronics such as drivers and remote I/O. This motion controller can be employed in many motion control application, from the simplest ones (one or two controlled axes), to the most sophisticated ones (dozens of controlled axes) and even in presence of a high number of axes it can ensure a data exchange rate of 500Hz (2ms).

In collaboration with Robox, IT+Robotics realized cROS, a lightweight, single thread, full ANSI C ROS client library, that enables C programmers to quickly interface with ROS Topics, Services, and Parameters.
cROS has been developed with robustness and efficiency in mind, ant it has been designed to address any embedded system that is provided with a basic C compiler and, being single thread, it is well suited also for systems that comes without any operative system. IT+Robotics plans to make available an open source version of the cROS library in Q1 2015.

The Robox controller enhanced with the cROS library system offers the following features:

  • Topic subscriber and publisher capabilities
  • Services provider capabilities
  • Implement the whole Master, Slave and Parameters Server ROS APIs (missing only some minor functions)
  • Management and development of the logging features exposed by the ROS tools
  • Management almost any type of ROS messages, included a complete support to the ROS industrial messages

The last feature means that the system can communicate with any other ROS nodes without the message packages installed.
The messages are generated at runtime: only the *.msg and/or *.srv files are required.

The enhanced Robox controller has been used for the first time in an industrial project where a team of robot manipulators were managing metal parts to be weld.

Here the contacts:

- uRmc2 ROS compliant motion controllers:
- cROS library:

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