This is a friendly reminder that the ROSCon call for proposals is open until July 7th. ROSCon talks are a great opportunity to share your work with the community. Submit your proposals at:
Presentations and tutorials on all topics related to ROS are invited. Examples include introducing attendees to a ROS package or library, exploring how to use tools, manipulating sensor data, and applications for robots.
Proposals will be reviewed by a program committee that will evaluate fit, impact, and balance.
We cannot offer sessions that are not proposed! If there is a topic on which you would like to present, please propose it. If you have an idea for an important topic that you do not want to present yourself, please post it to
Topic areas
All ROS-related work is invited. Topics of interest include:
- Best practices
- Useful packages and stacks
- Robot-specific development
- ROS Enhancement Proposals (REPs)
- Safety and security
- ROS in embedded systems
- Product development & commercialization
- Research and education
- Enterprise deployment
- Community organization and direction
- Testing, quality, and documentation
- Robotics competitions and collaborations
Proposal submission
A session proposal should include:
- Title
- Recommended duration: Short (~20 minutes) or Long (~45 minutes)
- Summary, 100 word max (to be used in advertising the session)
- Description (for review purposes): outline, goals (what will the audience learn?), pointers to packages to be discussed (500 Words Maximum)
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