From Ruben Smits via ROS Discourse
Dear ROS community,
For developers who want to write robotic applications on the Android platform, or who want to extend their robot with new sensors for indoor positioning and 3D perception, Intermodalics created the ROS Streamer App for Tango.
This Android app for Tango compatible devices provides real-time 3D pose estimates using Tango's visual-inertial odometry (VIO) algorithms, camera images and point clouds into the ROS ecosystem. The app and code are freely available for download in the Play Store and Github. More information can be found on the ROS wiki page. The application has been developed in close cooperation with Ekumen and Google.
Intermodalics is committed to maintain and improve the app, so stay tuned for new features and improvements. As an open source project we invite you to propose or contribute new features as well.
Future updates will contain even more Tango features such as area learning (SLAM) and 3D reconstruction.
We hope that this application and code will facilitate the use of Tango devices in robotic applications.
The Intermodalics Apps Team