Mirko Bordignon et al. ROS-Industrial turns four and expands worldwide

Looking foward to ROSCon 2017 we're highlighting presentations from last year. The ROSCon 2017 registration is currently open.

Mirko Bordignon (Fraunhofer IPA) Min Ling (ARTC - A*STAR) Shaun Edwards (Southwest Research Institute) present the state of ROS-Industrial as it turns 4 years old and expands to add an Asia-Pacific chapter.



Four years after it was first launched by Shaun Edwards, ROS-Industrial is now a worldwide effort to expand and improve ROS adoption in manufacturing environments and industrial equipment. As an initiative, it is supported financially by OEMs and system integrators, whose interests are represented and requests are collected within three ROS-Industrial Consortia managed by non-profit, applied research institutions. As a software platform, it is developed by a free and open community gathering in monthly meetings and operating through a federated development model, much like the ROS developers community. The talk will showcase real-world examples and current efforts to expand the initiative and to continue addressing technical and non-technical concerns.


View the slides here

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This page contains a single entry by Tully Foote published on July 10, 2017 5:58 PM.

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