Recently in papers Category

From Sebastian Rockel

I'd just like to announce a related ICRA talk on Wednesday (15:40-16:00, Session WeC07.6, Room S225) held by myself.

Its about simulation-based prediction of action results in a plan-based robotic system. The system is heavily using ROS and Gazebo.

So if someone is interested I would be looking forward to see you then.

Abstract: In this work we ask whether an integrated system based on the concept of human imagination and realized as a hyperreal setup can improve system robustness and autonomy. In particular we focus on how non-nominal failures in a planning-based system can be detected before actual failure. To investigate, we integrated a system combining an accurate physics-based simulation, robust object recognition and a sym- bolic planner to achieve realistic prediction of robot actions. A Gazebo simulation was used to reason about and evaluate situations before and during plan execution. The simulation enabled re-planning to take place in advance of actual plan failure. We present a restaurant scenario in which our system prevents plan failure and successfully lets the robot serve a drink on a table cluttered with objects. The results give us confidence in our approach to improving situations where unavoidable abstractions of robot action planning meet the real world.

Kind regards,


From Jimmy Paulos to be presented at ICRA 2014

We will be presenting "Self-Assembly of a Swarm of Autonomous Boats
into Floating Structures" in the Monday session on Cellular and
Modular Robotics.  We present assembly planning techniques and scaled
experiments towards a vision for swarms of shipping-container sized
robotic boats which assemble man-made floating islands, hospitals, or
seaports on demand.  In our experiments, a poolside PC running the ROS
Master provided high level instructions and localization data to a
fleet of miniature boats running ROS nodes on Gumstix

This work was a collaboration between the laboratories of Professor
Mark Yim and Professor Vijay Kumar of the GRASP Robotics Lab at the
University of Pennsylvania.  A link to videos is below, along with the
paper authors and title to appear.

Ian O'Hara, James Paulos, Jay Davey, Nick Eckenstein, Neel Doshi,
Tarik Tosun, Jonathan Greco, Jungwon Seo, Matthew Turpin, Vijay Kumar,
Mark Yim

Self-Assembly of a Swarm of Autonomous Boats into Floating Structures

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