Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
industrial_robot_client::joint_relay_handler::JointRelayHandlerMessage handler that relays joint positions (converts simple message types to ROS message types and publishes them)
industrial_robot_client::joint_trajectory_downloader::JointTrajectoryDownloaderMessage handler that downloads joint trajectories to a robot controller that supports the trajectory downloading interface
industrial_robot_client::joint_trajectory_interface::JointTrajectoryInterfaceMessage handler that relays joint trajectories to the robot controller
industrial_robot_client::joint_trajectory_streamer::JointTrajectoryStreamerMessage handler that streams joint trajectories to the robot controller
industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterfaceGeneric template that reads state-data from a robot controller and publishes matching messages to various ROS topics
industrial_robot_client::robot_status_relay_handler::RobotStatusRelayHandlerMessage handler that relays joint positions (converts simple message types to ROS message types and publishes them)

Author(s): Jeremy Zoss
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 00:55:19